Sunday, February 8, 2015

Sooner Or Later, Bullies Mess With The Wrong Person

Some kids in elementary and high school enjoy bullying other students.  They think they're being tough and being a big shot by taking advantage of youngsters who are physically smaller and weaker than they are.

However, what bullies should realize is that if they go around messing with others, sooner or later they'll mess with the wrong person and get beat up as a result.

The thing is, some individuals are physically stronger than they appear.  And some people, even physically smaller folks, are quite good at fighting, especially if they've been trained how to fight by martial artists. 

If you're a bully, you often don't know who you're messing with.  No matter how big, strong, and tough you are, their is always somebody else that can beat you up.

Hence, if you're a bully, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and cool it!

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