Tuesday, February 24, 2015

High Functioning People Who Are Doing Something With Their Lives

Many people in our society in America have the idea that you're not doing anything with your life unless you have a great career.

However, having a fantastic career in which you make big money and enjoy high social stature isn't realistic for everyone, as some people have physical and/or emotional disabilities that prevent them from having a successful career.

Besides, many individuals do a lot with their life, even if they don't have a career.  Maybe they've raised a family or do charity work in which they're proud of, just to give a couple of examples.

With that said, how do I define doing something with your life?

I think people who do the best they can with what they have are doing something with their lives.

Take someone who doesn't have a disability, but doesn't do much to help him or herself.  Than take someone who does have a disability but does the best he/she can with what they have.

Who of the two are more successful?  Which of these two people are doing something with their lives?

I say it's the person who is disabled who does the best he or she can with what they have.

So if you have a disability, you can still be a high functioning person if you do what you can to help yourself.  And doing what you can is commendable, I think.

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