Friday, December 12, 2014

Volunteer Work Can Benefit You At So Many Levels

Volunteer work is a great way to give back to the community, make a difference in one or more persons lives, and can help you feel good about doing a service without expectation of financial reward.

However, it's also a cool way to discover new interests, such as hobbies, as well as finding out what you might like to do regarding paid work, whether it be a future job or a career.

In this day and age, so many professions require education and/or experience to become employed in those fields. That's where volunteer work (internships, etc.) are also handy.  So many don't realize that they're not going to really know if they're going to like working in a particular field or not until they actually start working in that field.

So if you can't start out getting paid in a profession if you don't have the necessary skills, working in those fields as a volunteer is something to consider.

I realize most people have busy lives.  However, even though taking the time to volunteer takes up more of your time, it can still be worth it and make your life better now.  For example, I was working at a dead-end job years ago that I didn't like forty to fifty hours per week.  However, during that time I also decided to work as an unpaid intern for a radio station.  And even though that required me to work an extra seven or eight hours per week at the station on top of the already long hours I was putting in at my paying job, it made my life better.  I enjoyed doing something else besides my boring full-time job.  And it was great obtaining experience in the world of radio broadcasting, a field I'd been fascinated with ever since I was five years old.

So even if you don't have a great deal of time to spare, making the time to volunteer is something that I'd recommend.

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